The Whitehouse is Liveblogging?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 7:59PM
Justin Bathon in Miscellaneous, Technology & Internet

The Whitehouse liveblogged the President's event in Florida today. Yeah, not kidding. Liveblogging from the Whitehouse. Not some reporter at the Whitehouse. The Whitehouse itself. The Government. Your Government is liveblogging now. Go ahead. Check it out. The very top link at the site is "The Blog." By the way, it's worth your time to check out this blog post that includes a video getting to know Arne Duncan.

I've been hesitant to say much about the new administration, especially since education wound up on the floor of the Stimulus paring down session. But, talk about fundamental change. Can you even imagine previous presidents using the term liveblog, let along actually doing it on the Whitehouse homepage. Check out George W. Bush's whitehouse page. Check out Clinton's! Wow, we have come a long way. 

There is something to be said for this type of leadership for the Obama Administration. And it is leadership. They are the pinnacle governmental entity. What they do is an example for every other governmental entity in the entire U.S. -- including schools. Can't wait to see a those school board meeting liveblogs!

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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