Students, Speech & Politics, 2008 Edition
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 5:10PM
Justin Bathon in Student-Rights

Well, its official, another political season is upon us and with it comes another round of student speech cases. Here is the first one I have seen this season. An 11 year old in Aurora, Colorado wore a shirt that said "Obama is a terrorist's best friend." Here is a picture and here is a video of the student defending himself. The student is claiming the school violated his First Amendment rights when they told him to remove it. 

So, inflammatory? Disruptive? Seventy-nine percent of the 20,500 votes in the news story's poll of the issue thought it was not appropriate for the school to punish the student. Anyway, I guess we will find out. The father has promised to file a lawsuit (but I like the school's chances).  

h/t Scott McLeod

Update: Eugene Volokh disagrees with me on liking the school's chances. 

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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