Students Don't Know Constitutional History ...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 2:23PM
Justin Bathon in Legal Framework, U.S. Citizenship test, constitutional history, oklahoma

.. because their teachers don't know Constitutional history. 

Oklahoma study finding only 3% of high school students would pass U.S. Citizenship test and only 25% can name our first President. 

I get my students who are mostly practicing teachers and always start from scratch because I feel like I need to. I think a lot of the 7th grade history class comes back to them as a teach about the legal framework of education, but it would certainly be interesting to give my teachers the U.S. citizenship test. I don't think they would fare much better than the students. 

h/t @kyhistory

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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