School Technology Leadership and the P-20 Continuum - Paducah
Monday, November 9, 2009 at 3:45PM
Justin Bathon in CASTLE, Edjurist TV, Justin Bathon, Kentucky P-20, P-20 Center, P-20 Initiative, Technology & Internet, advanceded, sacs, school technology leadership, tech. leadership

I was invited to speak at the SACS/AdvancedED Western Kentucky Conference this past Friday and I want to post the video and sources to that presentation. The presentation was an extension on the presentation I gave at the school law conference, with a vastly different theme at the end. In this version I present the beginnings of the new P-20 Initiative we are undertaking here at UK to help make technology leadership a priority in Kentucky's schools. As before, I borrowed Lawrence Lessig's presentation style, lots of Michael Wesch's data, and Scott McLeod's ideas, amongst others, ... and combined them into this presentation.

The video of my presentation:


Videos embedded in my presentation:

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

K-20 Center


Most of my sources are embedded on this page.

But, for this version I also relied heavily on:

Read/Write Government - Lessig

Michael Wesch and the Future of Education

And, Scott McLeod's Oklahoma Presentation (to K20 there - it all comes full circle).

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
See website for complete article licensing information.