This is the third and final installment in the Rose series from the Rose at 20 event we held in cooperation with the University of Kentucky (ed & law) and the Education Law Association. The prior two installments are here (the players) and here (the Governor).
In this installment, we have the symposium that constituted the second half of the program. This component was more nationally focused about the future of education finance, having reflected on the twenty years of school finance adequacy cases post Rose (the first half of the program was more local focused). The speakers we invited for the second half of the program were Craig Wood of the University of Florida, William Thro of Christopher Newport University, and William Koski of Stanford University Law School. These three will be publishing their papers in a special issue of the Kentucky Law Journal set to arrive next year (I'll announce when it is ready and I'm happy to report all the papers are in!). Finally, the symposium was moderated by Kern Alexander, who not only is a school finance scholar himself, but was also a central player in the Rose litigation (and his ideas impacted all subsequent litigation). Thanks to all of those scholars for participating.
Anyway, on with the show:
Rose at 20: Kentucky Law Journal Symposium from UK College of Education on Vimeo.
If you want any more information about Rose or the Rose at 20 event, please contact us here at UK and we'll be happy to accommodate.