Orange County Student Newspaper (probably better than real Orange County Register)
Monday, September 14, 2009 at 12:11PM
Justin Bathon in Orange County Register, Student-Rights, bad educational journalism, hazelwood v. kuhlmeier, student press law center

This is an absolute disaster of an article on the decision by the principal of the Orange County High School for the Arts to delay the publication of their student newspaper. The article is written with so much bias it is sort of hard to even read. The author called sources on only one side of the issue and clearly allowed that to sway him away from writing an objective story. To say, and cite references, that the First Amendment absolutely protects students' rights to publish a student newspaper is at best bad journalism or at worse consciously ignoring the facts. Even the Student Press Law Center, whom the author relies so heavily on, cites Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, which states in clear language that administrators can regulate student publications like school newspapers if they have a legitimate pedagogical interest. It is a highly analogous case that went the exact opposite way of what the author is claiming is established law! Had the author consulted any other First Amendment source, this would have been obvious.

My crusade against bad educational journalism continues.

h/t - @markkerr - Lots of good stuff today from him.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
See website for complete article licensing information.