National Standards ... Momentum is Growing
Monday, February 16, 2009 at 9:21PM
Justin Bathon in Instructional-Issues, Policy-NCLB, arne duncan, ccsso, national standards, nclb, reauthorization

When CCSSO started making rumblings last year about national academic standards, I think everyone was surprised, but I am not sure anyone thought it had a realistic chance of getting into this round of reauthorization. Well, apparently no one told Arne Duncan, who apparently is a pretty big fan of national standards. He stopped short of saying it needs to be in the reauthorization, but it is clearly a shot across the bow. With reauthorization probably at least a year away, there is plenty of time to stoke that fire and push this issue. It is still a long shot, but don't be surprised if it is a substantial part of the debate.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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