Liveblogging ELA
Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 10:46AM
Justin Bathon in #ELA09, Brad Colwell, Conferences, Education Law Association Conference, Susan Bon, Tom Hutton, education law, ela, rose v. council for better education

Well, the sessions have started, so let the blogging begin. I'll call it liveblogging, but it is sort of contemporaneous-blogging when I steal away a few minutes here and there. In this post, I want to sort of set the scene, report on the Rose session last night and give some initial thoughts.

Setting the Scene:
We are at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, which is a lovely old hotel. This is very much ELA's tradition and I like it. We get to stay in some of the best hotels in the country at low conference rates - which is just a good deal. There seems to be lots of bars and restaurants close, so that's good also. I think attendance is down a little because of the economy, but there are still a lot of people here and a very full slate of presentations. In fact, the conference extended a little this year into Wednesday night and until late Saturday evening.

Report on Rose at 20:
It went really well, and, again, thanks to everyone that helped. Governor Beshear came and spoke about education reforms in Kentucky and the impact of the Rose case. I think meshing the national scholarly audience and the local practitioner audience went as well as could have been expected. I think the practitioners were a little confused by the scholars and the scholars a little confused by the practitioners, but that seems to be the nature of the beast. Either way, I am getting very positive comments, so I am going to take it as a victory and move on. Really, I am just glad its over - it took a lot of my time and energy lately.

Initial Thoughts:
I think the thing I am excited about the most so far is the new make-up of the leadership of ELA. I really like Cate Smith as the new director. Brad Colwell will be a good President and I like the new incoming Board members. I am especially happy for Susan Bon from GMU and Tom Hutton who just left NSBA. I think they both bring a lot of good ideas to the table. I am excited to see what comes of that new energy.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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