Liveblogging ELA - Stats on School Law Learning
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 11:29AM
Justin Bathon in Loyola Eucation, School Law Learning., Vivian Hopp Gordon
Vivian Hopp Gordon is not getting enough credit for the work she is doing researching school law instruction and learning nationally. She has surveyed school leaders and put those results into some nice presentations. Now she needs to get those into pubs so that I can pass them along to you.
But, a taste:
- She surveyed hundreds of superintendents nationally and had a good response rate.
- School leaders rely heavily on their lawyers for legal information, in addition to practitioner magazines and PD. They do not think much of their legal information comes from law courses. In fact, just getting information from the Internet rated higher.
- School leaders want positive relationships with their counsel and seem to be relying on them more.
Anyway, she is doing some good work and I want to recognize it.
Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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