This time of year there are usually lots of news stories out there about possible Establishment Clause violations in schools. A few years ago we even turned them into a game, although I guess we learned our lesson not to repeat that. And, on schedule, the first of the new stories this year are beginning to come in. This one, from Ames, IA and Scott McLeod about a "Winter Tree" being taken down.
We've had that debate and if you are a regular reader you know that I am fine with Christmas trees in classrooms. They have crossed some undefined boundary to me from religious symbol to secular cultural symbol. But, not everyone agrees. Thus, the key in these instances is to know your communities. Obviously, Ames being a liberal college town is going to have less tolerance for Christian symbols during the holidays. Some rural Kentucky towns around me want those symbols, so it is all relative for you school administrator types out there.
So, while we lawyers fight over secularity, the Lemon test, etc ... just do what you think is best by your community and most of you should have a fine (and quiet) holiday season.