Reading a ton of cases this weekend (finishing up a Yearbook chapter that is overdue) and I am once again struck by a simple question ... as a teacher, just how stupid do you have to be to lose a lawsuit? And, I think, the answer is pretty damn stupid. It is amazing to me how many mildly stupid things the courts allow teachers to get away with. Between immunity statutes, the high Section 1983 bar, actual knowledge provisions for harassment, the lower search and seizure standard, etc., the simple fact is that the law is heavily construed in favor of the school and school employees. And, even then, in cases where it is the word of the teacher v. the word of the student ... typically the teacher wins. So, not only do you have to do something really dumb to even qualify as doing something illegal, but then there usually has to be a good deal of evidence to find for the student (as in, you can't even cover it up well).
So, seriously, it takes a really stupid act followed by a really stupid cover up on the part of a teacher to even make it to court.
Yet, in case after case, I am shocked by the ignorance of some teachers. Now, the worst of the worst make it into caselaw, so I am seeing the worst teachers in the America over the past few days. But, literally in the last year there were about 2 dozen federal cases dealing just with teacher sexual abuse of students, teachers taking searches way too far, teachers letting a student who had passed out from dehydration lay on the football field while they held a team meeting, teachers hitting kids, paddling for missing shots in a basketball game, a teacher playing on his computer while a student is forcibly undressed in front of a crowd in the classroom. And, this is just a smattering because it is only what is reported, the actual number is far, far higher.
So, seriously, what the hell is going on?
I have always defended the American teacher, been kind to teachers' unions, and generally given the benefit of the doubt. I was a teacher, so I know how it goes sometimes. But, can we all agree there is some kind of systemic problem in the teaching system that these kinds of horridly idiotic incidents continue to occur year after year after year? Something is broken. Pedophiles must be being attracted to teaching. The teacher dismissal process must be encouraging misbehavior. Professional standards boards must be woefully inadequate. Colleges of Education must be totally missing the boat in screening these folks. Maybe all of these things, but, something, clearly, is wrong.
We cannot continue to permit these flatly ignorant humans to enter the teaching force.