Integrating Web 2.0 Technology into School Law Courses
Monday, October 26, 2009 at 5:27PM
Justin Bathon in CASTLE, Edjurist TV, Educational Leadership, Instructional-Issues, Technology & Internet, center for the advanced study of technology leadership in education, edjurist, education law, education law association, education law instruction, web 2.0 and educational law instruction, web in classrooms

At the Education Law Association conference this past week, I presented on Integrating Web 2.0 Technology into School Law Courses. Sometimes when I present on this subject I just lay out the tools, but this time I decided to try a different tact.

So, you should know that I borrowed Lawrence Lessig's presentation style, lots of Michael Wesch's data, and Scott McLeod's ideas, amongst others, ... and combined them into this presentation. Also, this is the handout that I gave out in the session on how I use YouTube, wikis, podcasts and blogs in my own teaching. Also, this is the Center for which I am an associate director.

My sources are embedded in this page.

This video is available at blip, and vimeo.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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