In a Tight Market Year, A Few Jobs Available
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8:31AM
Justin Bathon in Jobs, boise state, education law jobs, missouri, mizzou, oklahoma, st. cloud state, wyoming

It is a tight market for educational leadership positions nationwide, as it is in law and other areas. So, academic jobs will be a little scarce this year. But, I wanted to pass along a few that have come out already with a focus on law.

University of Missouri - I like lots of people there. If I wasnt' happy at UK, I would apply to this one.

University of Oklahoma - Where our new Dean just came from and has some cool infrastructure. Also, chance to work with and learn under Lawrence Rossow.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee -A good school of education in a reform city. Lots of research opportunities.

University of Wyoming - A small but probably nimble department. I think this position would actually be fun with its heavily rural focus.

Boise State - This is beyond my knowledge, but they do have a great football team that plays on blue turf.

St. Cloud State - Close to Minneapolis and probably could serve a large market because of their R-I focus.

Anyway, hopefully that will help your academic job search along a little. You can always check out this page for more information on that. If you have an academic position related to education law, please let me know for priority posting.  

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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