Gov. Palin and Special Education in the Election
Friday, August 29, 2008 at 10:43AM
Justin Bathon

Well, we should be hearing more about special education now. John McCain has picked Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. Gov. Palin's fifth and latest child has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. She knew the child was diagnosed with Down Syndrome before it was born but chose not to have an abortion, which endeared her to conservatives (that and strong support for drilling in ANWR, among other things). 

Anyway, the pick of Palin should inject more discussion of issues surrounging children with special needs, which has been entirely absent from this campaign.

Update: Religion Clause has a first look at her church/state views and Kos finds that she wants creationism taught in public schools. 

Update 2: Campaign K-12 has some of her history on school finance, including providing more funding for special needs students. 

Update 3: Erin Buzuvis on Palin's thoughts on Title IX. (Everyone is quite chatty trying to figure out what to make of this choice). 

Update 4: She is (or at least was) against sex education in schools.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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