Friday Snippets: Nov. 7, 08 - Let's Gamble
Friday, November 7, 2008 at 4:08PM
Justin Bathon in Snippets

Education Week has the issues that will face the next president (subscription required).

Its budget cut time. Kansas. Alabama. Indiana. California. Rhode Island. Everywhere. In response states are turning to gambling.

In light of tight budgets in Hawaii, they are proposing closing schools for a week.

Universities are not safe from record industry lawsuits.

The New Jersey cap lawsuit keeps churning.

Around the Ed. Law Blogosphere

Mark Walsh has the Supreme Court's broadcast indecency case.

Reverse Due Process ... it happens as Wrightslaw explains.

Jim G. has some OSEP action on state performance plans.

Mitchell R. has a good new LRE case.

Pamela Parker has a some lunchtime legal issues for teachers which is sort of cool.

ASCD Inservice brings up my critical comments of Detention Slip in the past, which I stand by.

NASSP's Principal's Policy Blog has the substantial cost of teacher absences.

And for your Friday Fun:Pandora. Its a free music service that customizes your playlist to the type of music you enjoy. I have been pretty pleased with the customization around progressive bluegrass and I find myself using Pandora more and Rhapsody less.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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