Shorter edition this week as it is midnight already and I have 8:00 sessions tomorrow.
A California court declares a statute requiring sex-offenders to live at least 2,000 feet from a school or park unconstitutional. Interesting to see how this one plays out. It could have a big impact if it stands up on appeal.
Schools don't understand open records laws? - No kidding!
Great article on pushing the drug testing barriers in the NY Times.
I'm in Texas, so might as well link to another story on their evolution fight.
USAToday runs a bullying article.
New Jersey's Supreme Court commissions a fact finding investigation on the state's new plan to fund schools. New Jersey's Supreme Court is running their school system in a lot of ways and this is just more evidence of that.
You are going to see a lot more of this coming up in higher education.
A bill would require all public school students to wear uniforms in Nevada.
Not sure I agree with this article's premise on female teacher misconduct. I am not sure there is more of it, or that we just care more these days. Interesting idea though.
This is an encouraging article: Georgia is phasing OUT their graduation exam.
That's it for tonight folks. I will catch up with the ed. law blogosphere next week. But, let me recommend Mark Walsh's write up of my presentation at ELA earlier this week in the meantime. It has been a real pleasure to meet Mark here. He is a really nice guy and it is always nice to finally put a face and personal connection with the blogging conversations.
More liveblogging on ELA tomorrow.