ELA Proposal Deadline 2010 - Last Reminder
Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 1:20PM
Justin Bathon in Conferences, Education Law Association Conference, education law association

Photocredit: poyangThis is just the final reminder to submit your proposals for the Education Law Association Conference this weekend as they are due Monday. I talked with The Edjurist's own Kevin Brady today, the outstanding program chair for this year, and he said he was pleased with the submissions so far. He said he was especially pleased with the number of law professors submitting as well as the number of higher education law proposals, including quite a few from attorneys. That's due to a lot of effort on Kevin's part, AALS's Education Law Section, Cate Smith, Rob Garda, and others, but I also think we here at the blog, especially Scott Bauries, had something to do with that.

Vancouver looks amazing and I can't wait to get there. Talking with Brad Colwell, ELA's President this year, he said they were building time into the conference during the day to enjoy the city, which I can't wait to experience. So, package deal here, boost the vita, fun with friends and a amazing city to visit. 

Last thing, subscribe to ELA's Facebook Group and Twitter Feed

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (http://edjurist.com/).
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