Educators - Expect to be Recorded
Friday, January 15, 2010 at 1:14PM
Justin Bathon in Governance, Justin Bathon, Teacher Rights, Technology & Internet, recording principal, recording professor, recording school board meetings, recording teacher

A controversy has erupted in Mississippi over the recording of school board meetings. I've posted on this before at the behest of Wes Fryer, so I'll just refer you to that (although I should probably do an extended version for School Boards Journal or something). 

Bottom line: if the recording is not disruptive and the content of the meeting is not private, go for it and don't feel like you need to hide the camera. I don't know Mississippi law, but that is the most likely outcome in this case as well. 

This is 2010. Devices that can record video and audio are everywhere (this is my favorite) and, frankly, if you are a school board member you should expect to be recorded - even in rural Mississippi. In fact, there are a slew of school boards doing their own recording (why not save folks the trouble and help get your message out? Your students would probably love to do it for you!). 

If you are a teacher, you should expect to be recorded.

If you are a principal, you should expect to be recorded

If you are a professor, you should expect to be recorded

It's just the world we live in. Get used to it. 

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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