Downside of Doing Nothing
Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 6:01PM
Justin Bathon in Discipline, Torts, potty training, school sending home feces

This is a pretty bad one - I have not seen this before (I have a son who is potty training now, so I hope our daycare doesn't send something similar home to us).

But, the lesson here is that you can't just do nothing altogether. The school sent an e-mail a couple days later and then did nothing else. When parents, or anyone for that matter, don't get any responses to inquires, at some point they all start to think of the media as the next place to turn. I know that lawyers have a tenancy to tell clients to do nothing and say nothing (in the hopes problems will go away), but this is sometimes the effect of that strategy. An incident that may have been handled on a personal level with reprimanding the teacher now is a national news story.

H/T Scott M. - who I am just going to start calling my researcher.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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