Okay, been a while since I wrote here. Sorry. But, I have a good excuse (or at least some excuse, probably not a good one).
MY WIFE AND I HAD TWINS!!! I'm so proud of them and they are just fabulous little kids. They are small (they were pretty early), and they will spend a while in the hospital. I don't want to link to it because I don't really want Google moving it up page rankings, but if you want to see pictures of them, check out bathon dot posterous dot com.
Okay, other news (sorry, it's been pretty wild lately). Kentucky and UK were selected as a CCSSO National Education Innovation Lab. For now, I am the point person on that effort. We'll see what happens, but I am pretty excited about the recognition that we have been building something positive here at UK and that Kentucky is a state where collaboration makes a lot of really interesting things possible. Talking to superintendents lately, I'm very stoked about some specific initiatives that could help change schooling in Kentucky. I can't release much more than that at the moment, but there is a lot boiling underneath the surface.
As always, I keep cranking out the episodes of Lab Gab, our new show at UK on educational innovation. Here is the latest:
Also, I presented this argument to a group of faculty here at UK on Wednesday regarding policy change because of technology. Tomorrow, Saturday, I am keynoting a conference here where I will attempt to answer the question that I ended with in this presentation.
Remember, you can subscribe to that content as well. Lab Gab can be subscribed to here. And my lectures and legal work can be subscribed to here. Hopefully within the next month or so, I'll have my stuff more readily available at the Kentucky iTunesU store so that you can subscribe on mobile devices.
Also, just some site issues - spammers have figured out how to break down squarespace's defense, apparently, so I have closed the forum for now. Instead, if you would like to discuss something on education law, let me point you to the ELA facebook page. That is becoming a good place for that kind of discussion. So, if you are not a member of that facebook group, then join. Also, the comment spam is also getting quite annoying, so I am considering the implementation of a solution there called Disqus. The problem with disqus is that it will eliminate a lot of the old comments and it also uses a different kind of sign in, wherein you can sign in through your facebook or twitter accounts. Anyway, I wanted to throw that out there for feedback before I implemented. If anyone has a reason that I shouldn't try implementation, let me know.
Finally, sorry for the absence. We got some great activities going on here at The Edjurist and we have record levels of readership, so I want to keep my commitment to keep fresh content coming all the time.