AERA: San Diego Blogging
Monday, April 13, 2009 at 3:25PM
Justin Bathon in AERA liveblogging, Miscellaneous, aera, law and education, law and education sig, special interest group.

San Diego is beautiful. Let's just start there. The hotels, the places to eat, the convention center, and the beach ... the beach is fabulous.

Over the next couple days I will be blogging in a live way (although not live-blogging technically) several sessions and events at AERA. I am an officer in the Law and Education Special Interest Group, so I will certainly be attending all those sessions if you want to track me down. I hope to get some videos and pictures so that folks can get a sense of what goes on here and may at some point consider joining the Law and Education SIG.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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