AAUP launches new journal focused on academic freedom
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 8:44PM
Neal Hutchens

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has launched a new online publication, the AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom.  I spent some time perusing some of the articles in the inaugural edition.  Not surprisingly, as a journal sponsored by the AAUP, it provides scholarly articles supportive of academic freedom.  Given the often strident debates regarding academic freedom and the generally unfavorable view of faculty members held in some quarters, the new journal will not be viewed by some as making a meaningful contribution to scholarship or to public policy debates related to academic freedom.

As a professor, I admit a personal interest in academic freedom, and as a scholar who focuses on higher education issues, I also support the concept of academic freedom.  So, these views and concerns predisposed me to having some warm fuzzies for the journal.  And after looking at some of the articles, I have to say that I came away with a favorable impression.  The articles I sampled were well written and informative and reflected several disciplinary perspectives.  Even if you don’t happen to feel warm fuzzies for the AAUP or the concept of academic freedom generally, the articles are thought provoking and represent solid scholarship.  So, for those with an interest in academic freedom and faculty issues, I suggest keeping the journal in mind.  

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (http://edjurist.com/).
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