I wanted to point you to what I consider to be one of the better resources in education law for educators as a new edition is just out. The Principal's Legal Handbook addresses most of the big issues in education law and gives a very good overview of the topic as related to schools, which you can't really get from wikipedia or the Internet generally yet. I would say on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being super deep/scholarly and 1 being surface level only, the book is about a 4. In other words, it is deep enough to give you a good background in the issues, but not deep enough to put you to sleep. The price is a little higher this time so it may be not worth it for some practitioners, but maybe it is something you can have your local libraries purchase for you. Here is the press release which gives a better overview of it.
Yes, yes, full disclosure ... I did write a chapter in it (Collective Bargaining), but I don't get any royalties or anything. I am telling you about it because I really do consider it to be a good resource for practitioners and I do get asked occassionally what I recommend on that front.