The Washington Post has saw fit to change generations on us, just so you know. Generation X is entering their 30-40's now and the Millennials are now coming of age. I have seen this language around before, but the Washington Post is trying to put a definitive stamp on things. (Time on the issue, 1997).
Here's how the generational constellation breaks down:
Baby boomers, experts say, were born from 1943 up to 1960 (although the
U.S. Census extends the range to 1964) and are characterized as
idealists and moralists who fought over war, gender inequality and
race. Generation X, born between the early 1960s and the early '80s, is
described as economically conservative and disaffected, influenced by Ronald Reagan's presidency (and Michael J. Fox's
preppy Alex P. Keaton character in the television sitcom "Family
Ties"). Millennials, who experts say were born either in the late 1970s
or '80s to the early 2000s, are said to have grown up sheltered and are
No word yet on what my son's generation will be called (born in 2006). Any ideas? Generation 2.0? Globalists? Seems like they are going to get a cool name.