Funny how our disposition toward the separation of church and state is so dependent on the "church" in question. Today's big story in education law, running as a Drudge top story (the first time I have seen Drudge run an education story at the top that didn't involve shootings), is this article in the Star-Tribune about "Minnesota's Muslim Public School." The school in question is a charter school that does appear to perhaps be tied too closely to the Muslim faith. While the "evidence" relied on for this article is almost totally hearsay (it is a pretty poorly conducted "investigation" written into an article that presents it as fact), I am willing to buy the basic idea that this school may be tied too closely to the Muslim religion. In fact, the ACLU is going to have a look at it.
Of course ... Christian Charter Schools ... well, I don't even need to say it do I? Anyone else think we are just a tad hypocritical about our devotion to the Doctrine of the Separation of Church and State in this country? It is a doctrine that comes from the Constitution itself and is designed to be used broadly, not selectively. If everyone is so worried about the separation of church and state in public schools, I would like to see the author of the article, Matt Drudge and everyone else pursue violations stemming from the Christian religion with as much vigor as this story seems to be pursued.