Kindergartener Suspended for Mohawk
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 12:29PM
Justin Bathon in Discipline, Educational Leadership, Search-Seizure, Student-Rights

A kindergartener in Parma, Oh outside Cleveland has been suspended for his Mohawk. The Cleveland Plain Dealer has the story and a picture. The school said the boy's haircut caused a disruption.

Andrew Paulson at BoardBuzz, um, sort of defends the school and attacks the parent.

Also, Jonathan Adler picked up the story and the comments at the Volokh Conspiracy are sort of funny. But, some of the commenters have a point. A lot of people these days are sporting Mohawks (it's not my taste, but hey, I am sort of a nerd anyway so who am I to speak to fashion). It is becoming (again) a part of society. No longer is it only the deviants of society that are sporting this look. Lots of athletes and musicians are doing it now (Sean Combs - Diddy - even sported one when he ran the N.Y. marathon for charity and just a couple days ago Greg Oden, the #1 pick in last years NBA draft, broke out his). The point is that school authorities have to be hip (sorry for the pun) to society - as least as much as they can. Society moves at a quick pace these days and stuff that was deviant two years ago is now mainstream.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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