New Award for Students Writing in Educational Law
Monday, February 11, 2008 at 12:18PM
Justin Bathon in Educational Leadership, Miscellaneous

Just wanted to pass along word that the Education Law Association has announced a new award for students writing in educational law: The George Jay Joseph Education Law Writing Award. The award is in conjunction with the Journal of Law and Education and the winning entry will be published in that legal journal. Essentially, any student (law or education) studying educational law will write a 35-55 page article (with footnotes in BlueBook) that is not under consideration elsewhere. If you win, you get the article published, free attendance at the conference where you will present the paper, a plaque and the vita bump (no real $$$, but the other stuff is worth quite a bit). People interested in Ed. Law should attempt this because it is a good way to get a publication and a good deadline to help you do so. Even if you don't win, there are other educational law publication opportunities the paper may work in or you can always publish it at the Educational Law and Policy Forum at Georgia. This is a good opportunity and I hope a lot of people take advantage of it.

For more details, I made a pdf of the award announcement because I did not see it on the ELA website.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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