Super article
in the NY Times today on the background to the pending case before the Supreme
Court on race-based policies in K-12 (see my earlier entry here).
Once again, the NY Times is showing why it is the best paper in the States with
this excellent article.
Also today, check out the Rod Paige editorial on
school finance. Good points on the 65% solution, but not so much on the
"weighted student funding" idea, which sounds tempting as it provides
more dollars for the neediest students, but allows those students the
"choice" of schools. For now choice means between public schools, but
it is just a matter of time before... (See the Eduwonk blog here
for an alternative view).
And, finally, for all you higher ed. interested folks out there, the Commission
investigating the future of higher education has released its draft report. See
the story here.