Excellent post by UT law professor Sandy Levinson over at Balkinization on the new Florida History standards
that attempt to limit the theory of instruction in history to mere
factual history and not revisionist, post-modernist, or constructivist
history. Even though some of this language was changed in the signing
by the governor, the point remains the same that there is absolutely no
way to know what that means. I would love, just love, to see the
Florida Supreme Court attempt to determine "factual" history from
"constructed" history, being that they were the ones that "constructed"
a big part of our history not too long ago. Then watch them wrangle
with issues of post-modernism and ultimately conclude ...?
Of course, as one of the comments to Sandy's post states, none of this
really matters because Florida's new standards eliminate much of the
instruction in history and social studies anyway. Bravo Florida, Bravo.