There may be some good news for education spending. is running a story
today about possible state increases in education spending. It is worth
your time to read and see if your state is listed as on the up draft in
spending. Mike Griffith at ECS (who the Edjurist is forever in debt to
for allowing me to use his office while he was away studying in Europe)
said, “It's looking like it’s going to be an even
better year all around for almost every state, with the exception being
the Gulf Coast and Michigan, which at best will have a flat year in
education funding.” There even seems to be a hint of college tuition reductions. (Like I said, worth your time to read).
Nice to see the states have not abandoned education, as Washington
seems to have done. NCLB has so altered the education landscape that
perhaps, education will fall back into the hands of the rightful